September 6, 2015

So sorry for my long absence!

Wow! Has it really been over a year since my last update?
I'm so sorry about that so how about a quick recap?

So, my last post was in April last year. In 2014 I read a total of 73 books, and therefore completed my goal for 60 books and then some.
My goal for this year is 52 books and I've already finished 42.
I'm currently reading The Furies of Calderon by Jim Butcher, which is the first in a six-book series.

So far I'm really intrigued, but I'm not far in so I guess anything can happen. But I've heard great reviews!

Anyway, I think that's it for now. See ya later!

April 3, 2014


Hey guys!
Guess what? It's time for a reading marathon and this time it's reading all of Cassandra Clare's TMI books (The Mortal Instruments) in favor for the last book, City of Heavenly Fire, being released May 27th.
So if you have yet to read the books or want to re-read them (like me) to freshen your memory on what happened in the past books, this is your opportunity to join others and do that!

So, about this read-a-thon. It is being hosted on YouTube by BookTubers Beth and Jamie.
It's a week long and takes place from midnight April 16th through Wednesday April 22nd in whatever timezone you're in. The link to the Goodreads group is here.
 More available information will be found with the hosters.

Hope you guys will be able to join. This will be really fun!


February 26, 2014

Top 5 Wednesday

So as seen by the title of this post I have joined the Top 5 Wednesday family which is a group of book-bloggers and booktubers who get a topic every week of their top 5 _____. This was created by Lainey who is a booktuber and she spread this around and now many people have joined, along with me.
If you have interest in joining this group just contact Lainey on Goodreads or join the group. You can also find us on twitter at #T5Wfamily ;-)

So this weeks topic is Top Books You'd Like to See Be Movies. And lets just get started!

Nr.5 The Tales of Beetle the Bard - by J.K. Rowling

So I don't know if this is cheating or not but I'd really like to see all these cute short stories being made into movies. It'd be cool if they'd be turned into this mini-series of short stories, and they could just as well be in animated format.
I'd really like to see these tales come to life on the screen.

Nr.4  Fangirl - by Rainbow Rowell

I would really like to see such a cute story like Fangirl come to life, especially since I tend to really like movies based on contemporary books; like The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and I'm really excited to see The Fault in Our Stars releashed.
The concept and the story in Fangirl is just so müch-y and squishy that I think I would really enjoy seeing it and would probably laugh but it still has serious moments so that would be just so cool.

Nr.3 Legend - by Marie Lu

I love action movies. Just seeing everybody looking so kick-ass and cool is so much fun. The noises also satisfy me in a strange way. Don't judge. In Legend there is a lot of action and a whole lot of things going on and I'd be thrilled to see it before my eyes and not just in my head. Legend would be (hopefully) perfect as a film, or even an animated one. Just seeing the blond hair of Day would be great.

Nr.2 Under the Never Sky - by Veronica Rossi

The world in Under the Never Sky is so unique and special that it would truly be literally a thrill-ride to see on the big screen. To see the Aether come to life? Heck yeah! It also would be so awesome to see Aria and Perry's relationship and how it developes on screen. I'm already excited although there is no film coming (that I know of... if you know anything in this matter, please feel free to share in the comments).
Just GAAHH, Aria and Perry! C'mon!

Nr.1 Clockwork Angel

 This is the first book in one of my favourite series/trilogies of all times, and who -that has read this- would not like to see it come to life? Like seriously, the action, the romance, the clockwork creatures, the institute, 1800s London.... amazing, right?
Oh, and don't forget about mr. William Herondale. I'd like to see him elsewhere than in my mind. ^^
This story has a place near and dear to my heart and it would be so great (more than great) of it'd become a film. I think that they are considering it right now? *fingers crossed*

     Anyway, that's it for today, see you guys later! Have a fun week!

January 29, 2014

THE FAULT IN OUR STARS movie trailer!

Okay, so the Fault in Our Stars Movie trailer is finally out and it is amazing!

January 12, 2014

Blood Promise (Vampire Academy #4) | Book Review *Spoilers*

The synopsis for this book you can find here from Goodreads
Reminder: This includes spoilers, so don't read this if you haven't read the book!

Holy shit. (Sorry for the language)
I cried and I laughed and I squealed and I yelled in frustration over this book.
Holy hell what's gonna happen. My feelings are scattered. What to do now until I get my hands on Spirit Bound? I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.


The beginning was not exactly what I wanted to be happening, neither did the part where They met. I was so frustrated and sad and angry at Nathan - isn't that the name of the blond haired Strigoi? - but I still read on and the ending was amazing! Her battle and then her return and then Lissa and Adrian's battle and this was all just so cool. An then of course Richelle Mead throws readers of in the last chapter with just a few lines.
Well, I guess I know what I'll be doing until I get Spirit Bound. *cough* dying and making whale noises *cough*

January 2, 2014

The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien | Book Review

So here is my review for The Hobbit -or There and Back Again, a hobbit's tale by Bilbo Baggins- by J.R.R. Tolkien

Well, this ending was very unexpected...
I don't know what to do with myself. I've kind of grown up with the story from the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit was kid of the background story that I didn't know as much about until they started making the movies. I actually started reading this book in 2012 but I didn't get farther than where the second film ends, so I had no idea of what to expect in the end. And I was totally blown away and oh my god, I am exhausted from reading the last parts. But I totally recommend this book to everybody, at any age!


December 28, 2013

Shadow Kiss (Vampire Avademy #3) - Book Review

Okay, so I very recently finished reading Shadow Kiss by Richelle Mead, which is the 3rd book in the Vampire Academy series. I wrote this review on my Goodreads Account and here it is:

OH MY GOD!!! That book is way too heartwrecking for me to believe what just happened!
Why, Richelle Mead, WHYYY????
The storyline was good and well-paced. The first three quarters of the book were slow but held my attention and then the last part... BAM! Everything happened so fast and I wished those last chapters hadn't happened at all. Like, how am I supposed to move on now?
5/5 stars because I love the characters and this world. 

Link to Goodreads synopsis: Shadow Kiss - Richelle Mead


I especially love Dimitri which makes it extra hard for me to go into the next one. I don't know what to do. I feel empty and sad but I think it was worth it. I most definetly will read the next one but not just yet. I need time to recover.
Please, those who have read these books, will it get better?

December 22, 2013

Frostbite (Vampire Academy #2) book review

Okay, so this is spoiler free and I just finished reading the second book in the Vampire Academy series, Frostbite, and here is my review:

Link to Goodreads synopsis: Frostbite - Richelle Mead


OH MY GOD!!!!!!
Holy shit! That was one hell of a book! I'm in shock! After the first one I wasn't expecting so much action and so much emotional investment, but hey, I've fallen into the amazing pit where you obsess over the book series called Vampire Academy and it is wonderful.
This book has a lot of sorrow and grief and it also has character development and oh my god I can't breathe! What is air!?!
I give this book every star possible to give and more! Amazing, I'm at loss for words. Richelle Mead, you have grabbed my mind and are holding it tight. I completely recommend this book to everyone who knows how to read!!!

December 19, 2013

A good-luck wish!

Hey, so I just wanted to tell everybody who are participating in the read-a-thon good luck!
And. I will be uploading a wrap-up on Monday so stay tuned. Also; I'm thinking about doing a book-haul after Christmas so that might come on here between Christmas and New-Years.
Hope to see you all again soon!

Christmas Read-a-Thon!

Hey y'all!

So this week-end, a couple of BookTubers decided to host a BookTube-a-Thon.
It starts tonight at midnight (when Thursday ends and Friday begins) and ends on midnight when Sunday ends and Monday comes.
If you don't know already, a read-a-thon is when you take a few days and just read. This is a good way to minimize your TBR pile and also a help to reach your goal on Goodreads if you have one.
Everybody can participate and this will hopefully be a lot of fun. The BookTubers hosting this will also be uptating on the BookTube-A-Thon Twitter site.
The BookTuber hostin are Katytastic, Ariel Bissett and JesseTheReader. (Sorry if I'm forgetting anyone)
But if you are participating, please tell me in the comments what books you're going to be reading and if you made a YouTube video I'd also love to watch it!
Btw, here is my video! Christmas Read-A-Thon TBR