April 3, 2014


Hey guys!
Guess what? It's time for a reading marathon and this time it's reading all of Cassandra Clare's TMI books (The Mortal Instruments) in favor for the last book, City of Heavenly Fire, being released May 27th.
So if you have yet to read the books or want to re-read them (like me) to freshen your memory on what happened in the past books, this is your opportunity to join others and do that!

So, about this read-a-thon. It is being hosted on YouTube by BookTubers Beth and Jamie.
It's a week long and takes place from midnight April 16th through Wednesday April 22nd in whatever timezone you're in. The link to the Goodreads group is here.
 More available information will be found with the hosters.

Hope you guys will be able to join. This will be really fun!
